Sterling Silver Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace, #6265-ss



Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. Most Eastern traditions describe seven major chakra points, each correlating to a different part of the body. These are where two or more channels of energy cross in your body, forming an energy center. When your energy flow is out of balance or gets blocked, you can become ill. Your chakras become out of alignment and in turn so does your mood, body, health - basically your life. When working on your chakras, start at the Base chakra and work your way up. You want to heal the lower chakra levels before proceeding to work on the higher chakra levels. The three primary chakras below the Heart chakra are mainly related to your physical body and the perceived world around us. The three primary chakras above the Heart chakra are spiritual in nature.

Solar Plexus Chakra - The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura is the third primary chakra. It is located between the navel and the bottom of the sternum. Manipura means "place of gems" in sanskrit and has ten petals. It enables and regulates the flow of vital energies throughout the body. The great Indian sage Patanjali says that through control of Manipura full knowledge and mastery of the body are achieved. The ten petals symbolize spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness. You must heal this chakra before working on aligning higher up chakras.

* Keypoints: physical center, personal power, emotional control, fear, anxiety, introversion
* Color: yellow
* Location: between naval and sternum
* Aromatherapy / Essential Oils: clary sage, juniper, geranium
* Gemstones: topaz (activating), yellow tourmaline (activating), emerald (calming), sapphire (calming), citrine (balancing)

Materials: sterling silver pendant, 16" or 18" rhodium plated box chain

Size: 3/8 in. diameter

Learn about all seven of the primary chakras here ( .

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